September-October 2007

'and he will be ... a stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall.'
Isaiah 8:14
Many people focus on the words of Jesus that appeal to them and ignore those they find puzzling or offensive. Their sole desire is to be comforted. The result? A form of Christianity devoid of power.
Jesus, with His tender heart of love, knows it is only as we are challenged that we change. In this issue Selwyn Hughes examines ten of Jesus's tough sayings – sayings that cut across our preconceived ideas and cause us to re-evaluate our lives.
Jesus is looking for out-and-out disciples. Are we willing to consider His sayings about what complete commitment involves?
Click here to download PDF of first week. To get the devotional data for the whole bimonth, please approach any good Christian bookstore to get a copy.